promotional products
At Conti Print Design, we understand that your marketing message is vital to your success. Promotional products are an effective and long-lasting advertising vehicle to drive your message. From stock to custom items, we can feature your company logo and message on just about anything you can imagine, at just about any budget level. And it’s not just about pens, mugs and refrigerator magnets anymore. Promotional items that are wearable, useful, or just plain fun keep your company identity and marketing message in constant view and top of mind with your clients and the public.
You’re probably aware of promotional product classics such as logo apparel, tote bags, key rings, etc., and we offer a very wide selection. But did you know that there’s a much broader spectrum of promotional products available? We excel at sourcing new and innovative items, including eco-friendly products that provide a high-impact marketing message with a low impact on our planet. Want something completely custom? We'll gladly collaborate with you to bring your own unique vision to life with custom product manufacturing. Whatever your choice, we’ll work with you to provide items best suited to convey your message and resonate with your audience.

logo wearables
Socks/Footwear/Logo Laces
Company Sports & Golf/Tournament Apparel
Totes/Backpacks/Laptop & Sports Bags
Designer Label Apparel & Accessories
Lapel Pins/Lanyards
event/tradeshow promotions
Pens/Notepads/Sticky Notes
Mugs/Beverage Bottles
Tote Bags
corporate gifts
Desk/Computer Accessories
High-Tech Tools & Pocket Knives
Flash Drives & Memory Sticks
Wine/Cigar Accessories
Recognition Awards
Gourmet Food & Gift Baskets
promo specialties
Plush Animals
Health/Body/Spa/Suncare Products
Auto Safety/Emergency/Tool Kits/Space Blankets
Reusable Grocery Totes
Travel Accessories & Luggage
Menu Covers
Server Uniforms/Chef Apparel
Glassware & Barware
Corkscrews/Wine Openers
Gift Cards & Loyalty Cards
Sign Holders
food items
Custom-Printed Candy Bars & Nutrition Bars
Nuts & Popcorn
Assorted Candy & Mints
Custom-Labeled Bottled Water & Wine
Gourmet Food Baskets and Gift Sets